Stylish and empowering La Reina sandals, celebrating strength and pride in Latina culture
Stylish and empowering La Reina sandals, celebrating strength and pride in Latina culture
Stylish and empowering La Reina sandals, celebrating strength and pride in Latina culture
Stylish and empowering La Reina sandals, celebrating strength and pride in Latina culture
Stylish and empowering La Reina sandals, celebrating strength and pride in Latina culture
La Reina - LA Flying Chanclas


Regular price $54.99 Sale price$44.99

¡Órale, check it out! LA Flying Chanclas presents "The Queen" sandal, AKA La Reina herself. This ain't your typical chancla, mi gente. With a 98% precision hit rate, this sandal is a symbol of Latina power, resilience, and pasión. Each paso carries the presence of our antepasados and the fuego in our almas, celebrating our cultura, familias, and the unbreakable lazo that ties us together.

Step into "The Queen" and embrace your inner Reina, claiming your rightful place in the world with every bold step. Whether you're bailando the night away or showing your hijos who's la jefa, this sandal is your trusty compadre. Get ready to strut with orgullo, because you're not just wearing a sandal—you're honoring the vibrant spirit of Latina identity.